Important Things Every Girl Should Know
Being a woman is amazing. We are life givers, fabulous, we have organs to feed our babies, we excel in everything we do, and our vaginas can push out a baby.
As the amazing girls we are, we are expected to handle life and excel at it gracefully like queens. Everyone knows life can suck sometimes for us girls, especially the way society is today. There are some things every girl absolutely needs to know and keep in mind to handle life like the bosses we are.
1.) You are important, you are loved and your dreams are valid.
Don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. Dream as big as possible. Walk with your head high, because you're worth all the love in this world.
2.) Learn how to take care of yourself.
Don't be a slob with no knowledge for self-care. Find a
skincare routine and stick to it. Wash your face every night. Drink
water. Body odor is unacceptable. Taking good care of yourself will
boost your confidence and general well-being
3.) Develop your talents.
This is very important, especially for girls. Whatever talent you have, from singing, to being really good at crafts and everything in between, develop your talents and try to be as good at it as possible. Apart from the fact that you could build a career from your talent, it could literally save your life one day.
4.) Learn how to save money.
We don't know what the future holds. Apart from making us more financially secure, saving money will make sure we have something to fall back on in case of an emergency, or if we need to pay a debt
5.) Manage your emotions. Its okay to cry.
It takes a certain level of maturity to be able to recognize, accept and handle your emotions. Your emotions can either make or break you. They are what make us human.
One thing i want to clarify: Crying doesn't make you weak in any way. It is natural reaction to pain, joy, sadness or despair, but it is not a sign of weakness. Its also the body's way of reducing and processing emotional stress. People think because they dont express their emotions, they simply go away. They don't.
Also learn to control your temper. People don't see being hot-tempered as emotional weakness, but it actually is. Anger isn't power/control.
6.) You are displaying a high level of insecurity when you always bash other girls. Stop it.
Jealousy will make you ugly, no matter how pretty you are. Always
talking crap about girls will probably draw attention to you for a
while, but it will reveal to everyone how low your self esteem is.
Nothing positive will come out of always bashing others, especially if
they haven't done anything personally to offend you. Dragging people
down wont make you better than them. People with a healthy amount of
confidence and self esteem find no pleasure in bashing others.
7.) Take a break every once in a while and focus on you.
You can take one day off school or work and genuinely rest and focus on yourself.
Being around people, even loved ones can be mentally and emotionally exhausting at times and its okay to stay away from people for awhile and enjoy solitude
Even the internet, as helpful as it is, can be a source of negativity and toxicity. It can make us get carried away and we forgot to notice the world around us. Turn off your phones and stay away if things get too overwhelming.
8.) It's okay if dating isn't a priority.
Sometimes solitude is bliss. Relationships require time, effort and emotional labor, and a lot of us have goals, dreams and priorities that should be put before a romantic partner. And its okay. You go girl!
9.) Always carry a sanitary pad with you.
One of the worst things to happen to any girl is to have a period blood stain in public. Even if you're not on your period, you could help a sister in need and save her from the embarrassment. Always remember to replace it as soon as its used.
10.) Find a side hustle or any way to make money.
You could make hair, sell drawings/artwork, make and sell stuff, etc. There are so many ways to make money now. Find the most convenient for you.
11.) Record your thoughts on a diary or journal.
Apart from helping you record and recall events and issues, its an outlet to honestly express your thoughts and feelings. It can also be very therapeutic to write down our feelings, and it makes a lot of people have better self reflection.
12.) Maintain a healthy lifestyle.
You may think because you're young, you can pile on the junk food and skip exercises. That is not also wrong, but dangerous, and a lot of people pay dearly for it as they get older. When we maintain a healthy lifestyle, it's easier to cope with stress and fight illnesses. Try as much as possible to live a healthy life while you're still young, it'll help you stay in good health later in life. Exercise at least twice a week, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, drink green tea and get regular sleep.
13.) Take photos and make videos of yourself.
You will have memories of special moments alone or with our loved ones. Every photo has a story behind it.
14) Shamelessly enjoy this generation's commodities.
Take selfies. Send pictures to your friends, play your music, gush about your gadgets. Dont let older people shame you for loving this modern age and everything it came with. They loved the things that came with their generation too. Have a healthy social media presence, if you want to. Life is too short.
15.) Don't let social media control your life.
There's a big difference between having a good social media presence and making your life revolve around social media. Please don't make it the latter.
Don't get caught up in getting likes and follows that you start making a fool of yourself.
Or forgetting social media isn't reality. Keep it real and don't try to be fake or lie for followers and likes. There's more to life than social media.
16.) Exercise Exercise Exercise.
It will make you look and feel fit and healthy. It reduces the risk of heart disease and some other illnesses. You will feel happier and better. It helps in muscle development, and weight loss. You can exercis in many ways. Try taking up a sport, visiting the gym or try yoga
17.) Learn how to take good care of your hair
At whatever length or style it is, every girl should know how to be her own hairdresser. Note your hair type, porosity, density, thickness, find the right products to use and also find hairstyles to suit you
Click here to check out my post on Haircare:
18.) Read books
Read as many books as you can. Not only will you gain extra knowledge, get inspiration, it's a beautiful means to escape from the world for a while. Good books will also improve your vocabulary and communication skills.
19.) Find the correct foundation shade
It irks me when I see a pretty girl with a banging outfit, makeup to die for and her foundation shade is too light or too dark, and she ends up looking like she has a mask on, especially when she takes a photo with the flash on. If you make-up, find the correct shade of foundation for your skin, so you won't end up looking like a clown.
20.) Keep healthy relationships.
Avoid toxic people at all costs, and also make sure you aren't toxic yourself. Surround yourself with positive people who genuinely love you and make sure you do the same too. From your friends, parents, siblings, and even romantic partners, try as much as possible to stay in a love-filled environment.
21. Learn how to put outfits together.
Whether formal, traditional or casual, try to develop a personal style. Everyone knows people with incredible fashion sense, whether male or female, will always stand out. Learn how to dress to different occasions.
22. Always make sure someone knows where you are when you leave the house.
As females, we know that this world can be quite dangerous for us. If you're leaving your house, make sure someone is aware of your whereabouts, in case anything should ever happen. If you don't want to let your family members know, make sure a friend knows. Your safety should be very important.
23. Stop making your life revolve around people.
This sounds very obvious, but there's a lot of us making our lives revolve around other people. Check yourself whenever you want to do something. Ask yourself who you're really doing these things for. Sometimes we make important choices that benefit others before they benefit us. We make our lives revolve around our friend's, boyfriend's, and even our parents. Try to consciously choose yourself, so people wont step over you.
24. Learn your culture and your native tongue.
25. Learn to fall in love with yourself.
The key to living a balanced life, is learning to love yourself, flaws and all. Its a long and hard journey. Loving yourself will help you keep better relationships and improve your mental health a whole lot.
26. Always have essential and useful stuff in your handbag whenever you leave the house.
We know the music scene is mostly populated with men, who write and sing songs from their perspective, so I always encourage women to listen to songs that resonate with the female experience. Now dont get me wrong, there are a lot of male musicians and artistes i absolutely adore and I litsten to their music, but its very important for me to be in touch with my feminine side, and there are a lot of female artistes who do just that for me.
28. Chase your dreams
Whatever you want to be or do, you can do it. I believe in you. Even if people think you're crazy, i want you to dream as big as you want, and reach for the stars. Chase your dreams, baby girl, because you deserve all the happiness in this world.
I hope these tips helped!❤
As the amazing girls we are, we are expected to handle life and excel at it gracefully like queens. Everyone knows life can suck sometimes for us girls, especially the way society is today. There are some things every girl absolutely needs to know and keep in mind to handle life like the bosses we are.
Don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. Dream as big as possible. Walk with your head high, because you're worth all the love in this world.
2.) Learn how to take care of yourself.
3.) Develop your talents.
This is very important, especially for girls. Whatever talent you have, from singing, to being really good at crafts and everything in between, develop your talents and try to be as good at it as possible. Apart from the fact that you could build a career from your talent, it could literally save your life one day.
4.) Learn how to save money.
5.) Manage your emotions. Its okay to cry.
It takes a certain level of maturity to be able to recognize, accept and handle your emotions. Your emotions can either make or break you. They are what make us human.
One thing i want to clarify: Crying doesn't make you weak in any way. It is natural reaction to pain, joy, sadness or despair, but it is not a sign of weakness. Its also the body's way of reducing and processing emotional stress. People think because they dont express their emotions, they simply go away. They don't.
Also learn to control your temper. People don't see being hot-tempered as emotional weakness, but it actually is. Anger isn't power/control.
6.) You are displaying a high level of insecurity when you always bash other girls. Stop it.
7.) Take a break every once in a while and focus on you.
Being around people, even loved ones can be mentally and emotionally exhausting at times and its okay to stay away from people for awhile and enjoy solitude
Even the internet, as helpful as it is, can be a source of negativity and toxicity. It can make us get carried away and we forgot to notice the world around us. Turn off your phones and stay away if things get too overwhelming.
8.) It's okay if dating isn't a priority.
Sometimes solitude is bliss. Relationships require time, effort and emotional labor, and a lot of us have goals, dreams and priorities that should be put before a romantic partner. And its okay. You go girl!
9.) Always carry a sanitary pad with you.
One of the worst things to happen to any girl is to have a period blood stain in public. Even if you're not on your period, you could help a sister in need and save her from the embarrassment. Always remember to replace it as soon as its used.
10.) Find a side hustle or any way to make money.
You could make hair, sell drawings/artwork, make and sell stuff, etc. There are so many ways to make money now. Find the most convenient for you.
11.) Record your thoughts on a diary or journal.
12.) Maintain a healthy lifestyle.
You may think because you're young, you can pile on the junk food and skip exercises. That is not also wrong, but dangerous, and a lot of people pay dearly for it as they get older. When we maintain a healthy lifestyle, it's easier to cope with stress and fight illnesses. Try as much as possible to live a healthy life while you're still young, it'll help you stay in good health later in life. Exercise at least twice a week, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, drink green tea and get regular sleep.
13.) Take photos and make videos of yourself.
14) Shamelessly enjoy this generation's commodities.
Take selfies. Send pictures to your friends, play your music, gush about your gadgets. Dont let older people shame you for loving this modern age and everything it came with. They loved the things that came with their generation too. Have a healthy social media presence, if you want to. Life is too short.
15.) Don't let social media control your life.
There's a big difference between having a good social media presence and making your life revolve around social media. Please don't make it the latter.
Don't get caught up in getting likes and follows that you start making a fool of yourself.
Or forgetting social media isn't reality. Keep it real and don't try to be fake or lie for followers and likes. There's more to life than social media.
16.) Exercise Exercise Exercise.
It will make you look and feel fit and healthy. It reduces the risk of heart disease and some other illnesses. You will feel happier and better. It helps in muscle development, and weight loss. You can exercis in many ways. Try taking up a sport, visiting the gym or try yoga
17.) Learn how to take good care of your hair
Click here to check out my post on Haircare:
18.) Read books
Read as many books as you can. Not only will you gain extra knowledge, get inspiration, it's a beautiful means to escape from the world for a while. Good books will also improve your vocabulary and communication skills.
19.) Find the correct foundation shade
It irks me when I see a pretty girl with a banging outfit, makeup to die for and her foundation shade is too light or too dark, and she ends up looking like she has a mask on, especially when she takes a photo with the flash on. If you make-up, find the correct shade of foundation for your skin, so you won't end up looking like a clown.
20.) Keep healthy relationships.
Avoid toxic people at all costs, and also make sure you aren't toxic yourself. Surround yourself with positive people who genuinely love you and make sure you do the same too. From your friends, parents, siblings, and even romantic partners, try as much as possible to stay in a love-filled environment.
21. Learn how to put outfits together.
Whether formal, traditional or casual, try to develop a personal style. Everyone knows people with incredible fashion sense, whether male or female, will always stand out. Learn how to dress to different occasions.
22. Always make sure someone knows where you are when you leave the house.
As females, we know that this world can be quite dangerous for us. If you're leaving your house, make sure someone is aware of your whereabouts, in case anything should ever happen. If you don't want to let your family members know, make sure a friend knows. Your safety should be very important.
23. Stop making your life revolve around people.
This sounds very obvious, but there's a lot of us making our lives revolve around other people. Check yourself whenever you want to do something. Ask yourself who you're really doing these things for. Sometimes we make important choices that benefit others before they benefit us. We make our lives revolve around our friend's, boyfriend's, and even our parents. Try to consciously choose yourself, so people wont step over you.
24. Learn your culture and your native tongue.
Your heritage is very important. Learning your native tongue will help in effective communication in life. Knowing your people's tradition and culture wil help you to pass it on to others. It also helps with your identity. |
25. Learn to fall in love with yourself.
The key to living a balanced life, is learning to love yourself, flaws and all. Its a long and hard journey. Loving yourself will help you keep better relationships and improve your mental health a whole lot.
26. Always have essential and useful stuff in your handbag whenever you leave the house.
- Wallet (should contain money, ID cards like your driver's license, credit/debit card, gift cards, passport photograph)
- Keys
- Gum/breath mints
- Tissue/handkerchief
- cell phone, charger, extra battery/power bank
- basic makeup like powder, lipstick for touch-ups.
- pencil/pen
- pads/tampons
- hairbrush/combs
- small snacks like a bag of chips or candy bar
- lip balm
- earphones
28. Chase your dreams
Whatever you want to be or do, you can do it. I believe in you. Even if people think you're crazy, i want you to dream as big as you want, and reach for the stars. Chase your dreams, baby girl, because you deserve all the happiness in this world.
I hope these tips helped!❤
This is amazing♥, keep it up hun.
ReplyDeleteGreat tips, I must confess.